High Park Real Estate Group Case Study

The High Park Real Estate Group is one of the most succesful Real Estate offices in Toronto. Their team of proffesionals specialize in law, accounting, staging, financing, architecture, as well as contractors, movers, and licensed trades. For the past several years MCH has been helping them with all the internet needs. Recently we completed a redesign of their website that also includes many new features, such as a blog, social network capabilities and much more.
Scope of Work |
- Design and develop new corporate website.
- Design advanced content management system (CMS).
- Implement online html editor for CSM.
- Develop video and maps integration (Youtube, Google Maps)
- Develop integrated Blog (Wordpress)
- Develop basic and custom reporting tools.
- Design robust database driven opt-in / opt-out newsletter service.
Additional Services |
- Design new corporate logo.
- Design corporate stationery
- Domain names registration.
- Website and database hosting.
- Website statistics tool.
Project Highlights |
This project was completed within the extimated time and budget.
Web Address: