Privacy Policy

MCH values and respects the privacy of visitors to its website. Your personal information when collected, is used, and disclosed by MCH in accordance with current privacy legislation. We consider personal information as any information about a particular individual, with the exception of business contact information such as a job title or work-related telephone number, postal address, or e-mail address.

By accessing MCH’s website, you consent to our collection, use, and disclosure of the information you provide.

This privacy statement deals only with personal information collected through MCH’s website. Any changes to our policies will be published here, so that you will always have access to information on our current website information and handling practices. For any additional questions or concerns regarding our policies or privacy practices beyond the Web, please email us at:

How We Collect And Use Personal Information:

If you solicit information, products or services, enter an online contest or other promotional feature, or respond to an online questionnaire or survey, you may be asked for personal information. We respect your privacy and will keep such information secure. However at all times we reserve the right to disclose information where required by law; to comply with valid legal processes such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order; to protect MCH’s rights and property; or during emergencies when safety is at risk.

MCH may decide to use your account information and transaction history to generate statistics and reports for internal use as well as to offer you products and services by telephone, regular mail, or email. If you wish, you can ask that your personal information not be used for marketing and promotional purposes. This can be done online when you initially provide the information, or later by contacting us via e-mail.

What we consider Personal Information:

MCH may share non-personal or summary information regarding our customers that does not identify you with advertisers, partners or other third parties.

MCH logs certain technical information from your computer’s web browser when you visit us on the Internet. This information includes your Internet address, the address of the website you are coming from, the amount of time you spend visiting our website, the pages visited, the operating system and web browser software you use, and, if you link to us through a search engine, the keywords you use to find our website. The logs do not record personal information, and are used solely to track visits to our site and improve its content and layout. MCH never attempts to tie this information to particular individuals visiting our website, unless that is necessary for investigating a security breach.

When you visit our website, you are assigned a temporary text file called a cookie through your web browser. It is placed on your computer for programming purposes only and enhances your use of the site by providing a unique identifier as you move from page to page. If you use the search engine, it remembers the keywords you enter. The cookie is never redirected to servers outside MCH.

Disclosure and Retention of Your Information

The personal information you provide through our site is never disclosed to third parties without your consent. We do not sell or trade your personal information to other organizations or companies, and it is shared with others only in the ways explained to you at the time it is disclosed.

The account information you provide is stored in our secure databases as long as you are an MCH customer. You must contact us if you no longer want your information to be kept by us. If you contact us with a question or comment, any information identifying you is normally kept only long enough for us to provide a response. If circumstances require us to keep it longer than that, we will notify you.

How We Maintain Accurate Information:

MCH relies exclusively on you for its information about you, except for obtaining independent verification of credit card information. To ensure that you are kept up-to-date on the products and services we offer, and that there is no interruption in our communications with you, please contact us to advise us of any changes in your information or if you wish to confirm the accuracy of the information we hold.

How Your Information Is Kept Safe During Transmission:

MCH strives to provide a secure online environment for the transmission of personal information such as credit card details, usernames, and passwords. Information sent to our website is received by a secure server that encrypts the information before it is sent to us. All data collected is protected against unauthorized access.

How to contact MCH:

MCH accepts responsibility for the management and confidentiality of the personal information it collects through its website. By providing this privacy policy, MCH pledges its continued commitment to protecting the information you give us. We regularly review our online information-handling practices to ensure that we are abiding by this privacy statement. If you believe that MCH is not abiding by this privacy statement or have concerns about MCH's online information collecting and handling practices, please contact us by email at Your concerns will be addressed promptly.

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